Upgrading the coast or spawning disaster?
July 30, 2017There’s nothing like grabbing a towel, a hat and some sunscreen and heading to the beach in the heat of summer to enjoy a cool dip in the water. The seashore is Israel’s most easily accessible natural environment; some 70% of the population lives along the country’s 196-kilometer Mediterranean coastline. Yet, only about one quarter …
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Fake plastic trees created by real human heroes
July 30, 2017When renowned rock group Radiohead performed before a crowd of 50,000 last week in Tel Aviv’s Yarkon Park, not far from the Beautiful Israel Center, it was more than just another show. The band not only played songs it hadn’t performed in years, but also struck a strong, final chord in its fight against the …
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How does photosynthesis affect or cultural wealth?
June 25, 2017The recently published interim report of a uniquely important project – Ecosystems and Wellbeing – a National Evaluation – meant to present the services and benefits that people in Israel receive from the nation’s ecosystems. The project is increasing our understanding of the multi-faceted impact of nature on our lives, and our dependence on properly …
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Hot summer at the CBI Center
June 25, 2017The long, hot days of summer are here, and school’s out. Whether we’re the parents or the grandparents of young children, sooner or later we find ourselves searching for something to do with them – and how to pull them away, even for a moment, from their video screens and guide them toward meaningful “real …
Tomorrow’s Environmental Researchers
June 25, 2017This month marks the conclusion of another successful year for “Young Researchers”, the water-oriented research program that encourages 5th and 6th graders in the Dan region to deepen their understanding of the subject by conducting academic-level studies. Not only are these youngsters not deterred by the challenges involved: they relish them as a stepping-stone on …
Robert Price – a year without him
May 25, 2017This Passover we marked the one-year yahrzeit of Robert Price, one of Beautiful Israel’s most generous and dedicated benefactors. Mr. Price passed away last year at the age of 83, leaving behind a sister, two children, four grandchildren — and a remarkable lifelong legacy. Born in the Bronx, New York, in 1932, Robert Price …
Earth Day – We can do a lot to safeguard our quality of life
May 25, 2017On April 22, 1970, the first-ever Earth Day took place, with huge demonstrations across the United States attracting some 20 million people. They took to streets, parks and halls, calling for a healthier, higher quality environment. Earth Day succeeded beyond all expectations, leading to the establishment of the first mass environmental movement in the US. …
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Let There Be Water
May 25, 2017The establishment of the State of Israel, 69 years ago this month, was a significant milestone in the long and inspiring story of the revival of the Jewish people. The vision of creating a Jewish home in the ancient Land of Israel carried with it numerous, complex challenges. But the most basic and important of …
Environmental Equality in a Multicultural Society
March 28, 2017Israel is among the most crowded nations on earth, with ever growing demand on its limited natural resources. How we treat those resources is crucial for our continued existence. When there is a high level of mutual dependence, as in the case of a shared environmental destiny, the solution lies in implementing standards of appropriate, …
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Clean as a Whistle…Naturally
March 26, 2017Pre-Passover Spring cleaning is an annual tradition – thoroughly scrubbing every nook and cranny of our homes, using increased amounts of cleansers which, despite their colourful appearance and pleasant aroma, contain some problematic ingredients. Many are based on synthetic substances — produced from petrochemicals, chlorides, corrosive acids, metals and phosphorous oxides – that are hazardous …
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